Experiment 2a
Grafisches Kabinett

Tanya Bednar, Barbara Denk, Kristina Haider, Juma Hauser, Sanja Jelic,
Katharina Lampert, Dunja Larise, Ursula Mayer, Patricia Reschenbach, Sofie Thorsen

The title "A Room of One's Own", taken from Virginia Woolf's 1929 essay, refers to the historical roots of the women's movement, in which all of the project participants have an interest.

The group sees itself as an open structure. The developement of strategies for merging and the intersections of common interests form the basis for further concrete collaborations. The contributions from the individual participants in "A Room of One's Own" arrive at different times (asynchronously), may be processed, altered or ignored, or may stand alone as a separate contribution. The interplay of forces produces a constructive accumulation of contradictions.
The presentation consists of feminist research, intended to form a foundation for the development of further phases. Based on selected text and picture material and the resultant discussions, familiar practices for describing women-specific themes (from Martha Rosler to Linda Bilda) will be made visible using collage and comics. Diverse methods make it possible to describe worlds of life, carry out conflicts within them and to make room for different positions from feminist discourse.
The website will be accessible from the exhibition space to enable interaction with the public and to conclude the exhibition project in the sense of the title chosen by bell hooks for her new book: "Feminism is for Everybody."

projects|experiment 2a|slides